WMG award winner, Jasper Dommett nominated for Ivors Academy Composer Award

The recipient of the Welsh Music Guild’s 2018 Paul Mealor Bursary for Student Composers, Jasper Dommett, has been nominated for an Ivors Academy Composer Award. The ceremony will be held tonight (1 Dec) at https://ivorsacademy.com/awards/the-ivors-composer-awards 

The full story can be read here on Wales Arts Review below.


Mae derbynnydd Bwrsari Paul Mealor ar gyfer Cyfansoddwyr Myfyrwyr 2018 oddi wrth Cymdeithas Cerddoriaeth Cymru 2018, Jasper Dommett, wedi cael ei enwebu ar gyfer Gwobr Cyfansoddwr Academi Ivors. Bydd y seremoni yn cael ei chynnal heno (1 Rhag) yma https://ivorsacademy.com/awards/the-ivors-composer-awards

Mae’r stori llawn ar Wales Arts Review yma.


BBC National Orchestra of Wales Composition: Wales 2021: Applications are Open

This scheme has been run by BBC NOW since 2010 in association with Ty Cerdd, Vale of Glamorgan Festival, Welsh Music Guild and Composers of Wales with the aim of showcasing the work and talent of Composers across Wales.

Composition: Wales might look a bit different this year, but BBC National Orchestra of Wales are looking forward to receiving applications. From all applications, six to eight participants will be selected to take part in the scheme.


Who can apply?

BBC National Orchestra of Wales welcomes submissions from composers who can meet the following criteria:

  • Born or living in Wales
  • Over 18
  • Submitting unpublished work

Scores from composers previously selected for Composition will be accepted but may however be taken into consideration in the selection process to provide exposure for the widest selection of composers possible.


What is the process this year?

The project will be led by Conductor Ryan Bancroft, BBC NOW Composer in Association Gavin Higgins and Composer Affiliate Sarah Lianne Lewis who will select the Scores and mentor the Composers during the project.

  • The selected participants will have an initial ‘live’ workshop session with the musicians. This is highly likely to be via Zoom due to current restrictions.
  • The participants will undertake several professional development sessions in the lead up to a final concert or sharing in 2021 including sessions with members of BBC NOW, orchestra members, BBC NOW Composers in Association, and panel members. These sessions are highly likely to be conducted via Zoom.


BBC NOW Ensemble size

This year due to current restrictions, applicants can submit a composition for a maximum orchestration of: 1.[1/pic].1[1/ca].1[1/bcl].1[1/cbn] | 2.2.2[ten.btbn].1 / T / 2P / Hp / Str[].

Only minor reductions to the ensemble will be possible due to health and safety regulations.

NB: 1 woodwind player for each instrument that can double (the flute player can also play piccolo etc). NB Scores outside this orchestration or written for solo instrument and orchestra will not be considered for inclusion in BBC NOW Composition: Wales.



  • Max 2 percussion players with following instruments (split to avoid handling of same instruments):
  • Player 1
  • Bass Drum
    Tenor Drum
    Snare Drum
    4 temple blocks
    1 suspended cymbal (any variety, we can swap between composers, and have duplicates)
    Smaller handheld instruments are all fine. (Tambourine, claves, triangle, Guiro. maracas, etc) There are duplicates of these instruments for player 1 and 2 to use separately.
  • Player 2
  • 2 Toms
    2 Bongos
    1 suspended cymbal (any variety, we can swap between composers, and have duplicates)
    2 gongs low pitch, middle pitch – indefinite pitch, character of instrument only.
    Xylo or Vibes (as you decide for blending)
    Tam Tam
    Smaller handheld instruments are all fine. (Tambourine, claves, triangle, Guiro. maracas, etc)


How to apply

  • Please send your Digital Entry Form, PDF Score (not hard copies) and an MP3 realisation of your work via Wetransfer, Dropbox or email to monteith@bbc.co.uk and osian.rowlands@bbc.co.uk
  • Please use the subject line: Composition: Wales 2021, Your Name, Title of Composition


Important Dates

30 November 2020: Applications Close
7/8 December 2020: Shortlisting and participants selected
15 December 2020: Shortlisted applicants will be informed

December 2020: Informal Digital Meetings for Shortlisted applicants. Date & details TBC shortly

  • January
  • 4 January 2021: Resubmission of final scores and orchestral parts from shortlisted participants
    25 Jan 2021: Workshop session one: BBC NOW with musicians
    25/26 Jan 2021: Workshop with Mentors/BBC NOW musician representatives
  • March
  • Early March: Professional Development sessions hosted
    3 March: Workshop session two with musicians
    4 March: Final concert / Sharing of compositions

Scores from composers previously selected for Composition will be accepted but may however be taken into consideration in the selection process in order to provide exposure for the widest selection of composers possible.

For further Information go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcnow or call 0800 052 1812 or email now@bbc.co.uk.

Musician’s Medal 2020 / Tlws y Cerddor 2020

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Ceredigion 2020

Musician’s Medal Prize

A short opera – 1 song for chorus and 2 songs for soloists together with a précis of the complete opera

Original Welsh words or words already in existence. It is the composer’s responsibility to obtain permission to use the words. (See General Rules and Conditions no. 11 – Language).

3 hard copies of the work should be sent to the Organizer together with a CD, MP3 or memory stick containing the work.

The Musician’s Medal will be awarded for the music in this competition.

Musician’s Medal (Welsh Music Guild) and £750 (Gofalaeth Asedau Sterling Asset Management) and a Scholarship worth £2,000 to promote the winner’s career. (See General Rules and Conditions no. 21 – Scholarships).

The winner will be offered the opportunity to be mentored by Welsh National Opera

Adjudicators: Gwion Thomas, John Metcalf, Patrick Young and a representative from Welsh National Opera

Closing date: 1 April 2020

Ffurflen gais cyfansoddi 2020 – Application form 2020


Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Ceredigion 2020

Tlws y Cerddor 2020

Opera Fer – 1 gân corws a 2 gân i unawdwyr ynghyd ag amlinelliad cryno o’r opera gyfan

Geiriau Cymraeg gwreiddiol neu rhai sy’n bodoli eisoes. Cyfrifoldeb y cyfansoddwr yw sicrhau hawl i ddefnyddio’r geiriau (gweler Rheolau ac Amodau Cyffredinol rhif 11 – Iaith).

Dylid anfon 3 chopi caled o’r gwaith at y Trefnydd ynghyd â chryno ddisg, MP3 neu gof bach o’r gwaith cyflwynedig.

Dyfernir Tlws y Cerddor am y gerddoriaeth yn y gystadleuaeth hon.

Tlws y Cerddor (Cymdeithas Cerddoriaeth Cymru) a £750 (Gofalaeth Asedau Sterling Asset Management) ac Ysgoloriaeth gwerth £2,000 i hyrwyddo gyrfa’r cyfansoddwr buddugol. (Gweler Rheolau ac Amodau Cyffredinol rhif 21 – Ysgoloriaethau).

Cynigir cyfle i’r enillydd gael ei fentora gan Gwmni Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Beirniaid: Gwion Thomas, John Metcalf, Patrick Young a chynrychiolydd o Gwmni Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Dyddiad Cau: 1 Ebrill 2020

Ffurflen gais cyfansoddi 2020 – Application form 2020


Mae Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC yn gwahodd ceisiadau i Cyfansoddi: Cymru ar gyfer 2020. Dyma brosiect sydd wedi cael canmoliaeth fawr a bydd yn cael ei gynnal ym mis Ionawr a mis Mawrth 2020 yn Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC dan law’r arweinydd B Tommy Andersson. Ers 18 mlynedd, mae’r prosiect wedi rhoi cyfle i gyfansoddwyr talentog ac uchelgeisiol o Gymru gael clywed eu cerddoriaeth yn cael ei hymarfer a’i pherfformio gerbron cynulleidfa. 
Mae Cyfansoddi: Cymru wedi sefydlu ei hun fel un o’r digwyddiadau cerddoriaeth gyfoes pwysicaf ar lwyfan cerddorfaol Cymru. Mae’n cyflwyno gweithiau gan gyfansoddwyr sy’n haeddu cael mwy o amlygrwydd. Mae hefyd yn rhoi’r cyfle iddynt glywed a gwerthuso’u cerddoriaeth a fydd yn cael ei chwarae gan Gerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC. Mae’r prosiect yn cael ei drefnu ar y cyd â Cyfansoddwyr Cymru, Tŷ Cerdd, Gŵyl Bro Morgannwg a Chymdeithas Cerddoriaeth Cymru.
Mae’r rhai sy’n gymwys i gyflwyno sgorau yn cynnwys unigolion a gafodd eu geni yng Nghymru neu sy’n byw yng Nghymru ac sydd wedi cwblhau gradd mewn cerddoriaeth ar lefel israddedig neu gymhwyster cyfwerth, neu gyfansoddwyr sydd wedi’u geni yng Nghymru ac sy’n astudio cyfansoddi ar lefel ôl-radd yng Nghymru. Bydd BBC NOW hefyd yn ystyried cyfansoddwyr a gafodd eu geni yng Nghymru neu sy’n byw yng Nghymru sydd â record lwyddiannus o gyfansoddi. 
Y dyddiad olaf ar gyfer cyflwyno gwaith ydy 10.00am ddydd Mercher 13eg Tachwedd 2019, gyda’r sgorau a fydd wedi cael eu dewis yn cael eu cyhoeddi ddydd Gwener 6ed Rhagfyr 2019.
Yn ogystal â chyfansoddiadau a gaiff eu chwarae yn Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC fel rhan o Cyfansoddi: Cymru 2020, bydd y partneriaid sy’n cydweithredu – Tŷ Cerdd a Gŵyl Bro Morgannwg – hefyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd ychwanegol ar gyfer detholiad o gyfansoddwyr.
Bydd Tŷ Cerdd yn cynnig cyfle i dri chyfansoddwr ysgrifennu darn byr o gerddoriaeth ar gyfer ensemble siambr. Bydd y cyfansoddiadau hyn yn cael eu perfformio yng nghyfres digwyddiadau Cerddoriaeth y Nos yn Neuadd Dewi Sant, Caerdydd. 
Yn rheolaidd, bydd Gŵyl Bro Morgannwg yn dewis cyfansoddwyr sy’n rhan o Cyfansoddi Cymru i weithio’n agos â nhw. Gallai gwaith cyfansoddwyr a gaiff eu dewis gael ei gynnwys fel rhan o’r Ŵyl ym mis Mai, a gallai gael ei gomisiynu ar lefel gerddorfaol a/neu siambr. Bydd Gŵyl Bro Morgannwg 2020 yn cynnwys comisiwn cerddorfaol ac unawd gan y cyfansoddwr David Roche, a gymerodd ran yn Cyfansoddi Cymru 2019.  
Gwahoddir sgorau gyda’r briff canlynol fel arweiniad: darn perffaith i agor un o gyngherddau Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, neu fel encore, er enghraifft yn y Cyngerdd Dydd Gŵyl Dewi neu ar daith ryngwladol. 
Bydd y sgorau a ddewisir yn ymddangos yn y prosiect yn Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC ym Mae Caerdydd. Bydd y gweithdy cychwynnol yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Mawrth, 28 Ionawr 2020; yn cael ei ddilyn gan ddau weithdy ychwanegol ddydd Mawrth, 3 Mawrth a dydd Mercher, 4 Mawrth 2020, ac yn gorffen gyda chyngerdd rhad ac am ddim i’r cyhoedd.
Prif ddyddiadau:

·         Y dyddiad olaf ar gyfer cyflwyno’r sgorau cychwynnol: Dydd Mercher, 13 Tachwedd 2019, 10.00am

·         Cyhoeddi’r sgorau sydd wedi cael eu dewis: Dydd Gwener 6ed Rhagfyr 2019

·         Y dyddiad olaf ar gyfer cyflwyno rhannau cerddorfaol a sgorau terfynol llawn yr holl waith sydd wedi cael ei ddewis: Dydd Llun, 6 Ionawr 2020, 5.00pm

·         Diwrnod y gweithdy cychwynnol: Dydd Mawrth 28 Ionawr 2020 am 2.00pm -5.00pm a 6.00pm-9.00pm

·         Ymarferion agored: Dydd Mawrth 3 Mawrth 2020 am 2.00pm-5.00pm a 6.00pm-9.00pm, a dydd Mercher 4 Mawrth 2020 am 2.30-5.30pm

·         Cyngerdd Penllanw rhad ac am ddim: Dydd Mercher, 4 Mawrth 2020 am 7.00pm 

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, gan gynnwys ffurflen ymgeisio a chanllawiau, ewch i https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcnow or neu ffonio 0800 052 1812 neu e-bostio now@bbc.co.uk.


BBC National Orchestra of Wales is inviting submissions for its highly acclaimed Composition: Wales project for 2020, which will take place in January and March 2020 in BBC Hoddinott Hall and conducted and led by B Tommy Andersson. For the past 18 years, the project has provided aspiring and talented Welsh composers with the opportunity to have their music rehearsed and then performed in front of an audience.
Composition: Wales, has established itself as one of the most important contemporary music events in the orchestral scene in Wales. It showcases works by composers worthy of wider exposure and offers them the opportunity to hear and evaluate their music played by BBC National Orchestra of Wales. The project is organised in collaboration with Composers of Wales, Tŷ Cerdd, Vale of Glamorgan Festival and Welsh Music Guild.
Those who are eligible to submit scores include those born or living in Wales who have completed a music degree at undergraduate level or equivalent qualification, or composers born in Wales studying composition at post-graduate level in Wales. BBC NOW will also consider composers born in Wales or living in Wales who have a proven track record in composition.
The deadline for submission is 10.00am on Wednesday 13th November 2019, with the selected scores announced on Friday 6th December 2019.
In addition to compositions played at BBC Hoddinott Hall as part of Composition: Wales 2020, collaborating partners – Tŷ Cerdd and the Vale of Glamorgan Festival  will also offer additional opportunities for selected composers.
Tŷ Cerdd will be offering the opportunity to write a short piece of music for a chamber ensemble to three composers. These compositions will be performed at the Night Music series of events at St David’s Hall, Cardiff. 
The Vale of Glamorgan Festival (VOGF) regularly selects composers featured in Composition Wales to work closely with. Selected composers may have their music featured as part of the Festival in May, and may be commissioned on an orchestral and/or chamber level. VOGF 2020 will feature an orchestral commission and a solo work by composer David Roche, who took part in Composition Wales 2019. 
Scores are invited with the guidance brief of: the perfect concert opener or an encore for a BBC National Orchestra of Wales concert, such as St David’s Day or an international tour. 
Selected scores will be featured in the project at BBC Hoddinott Hall in Cardiff Bay. The initial workshop will take place in on Tuesday 28 January 2020; this day will be followed by two additional workshop days on Tuesday 3 March and Wednesday 4 March 2020, culminating in a free public concert.
Key dates:

·         Deadline for initial score submission: Wednesday 13 November 2019 at 10.00am

·         Selected scores announced: Friday 6th December 2019

·         Deadline for submission of selected final full scores & orchestral parts: Monday 6 January 2019 at 5.00pm

·         Initial workshop day: Tuesday 28 January 2020 at 2.00pm -5.00pm and 6.00pm-9.00pm

·         Open rehearsals: Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 2.00pm-5.00pm and 6.00pm-9.00pm, and Wednesday 4 March 2020 at 2.30-5.30pm

·         Free Culmination Concert: Wednesday 4 March 2020 at 7.00pm 

For further Information go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcnow or call 0800 052 1812 or email now@bbc.co.uk.


Distinguished Welsh Musicians Receive Coveted Awards

Sopranos, harpists, composers and record producers were amongst the musical glitterati celebrated for their commitment to enhancing Welsh culture at an illustrious awards ceremony.

WMG Award Winners 2018

The Welsh Music Guild presented nine coveted prizes at its annual awards luncheon held at the Cardiff & County Club on the opening weekend of the National Eisteddfod.

Before a packed audience of some of Wales’ most influential and notable musicians, singer and broadcaster Shan Cothi, composer Dr Lyn Davies and Universal Records senior manager Mark Wilkinson were amongst the impressive list of award recipients.

President of the Guild Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards welcomed guests and award winners to the County Club and explained the important work undertaken by them to further the development of Welsh music and musicians.

“The Welsh Music Guild remains dedicated to its original purpose of advancing the education of the public by encouraging the understanding and appreciation of the music of Wales,” he said.

“Today we will celebrate a plethora of extraordinary talented individuals, either Welsh born or residing in Wales by recognising their massive contribution to the enhancement of our culture and positioning on the world stage.

“Individually they have all become high achievers in their given fields and their tireless efforts should be deservedly recognised in this way.”

International Welsh baritone and secretary of the Welsh Music Guild Jeremy Huw Williams introduced each of the individual prize givers led by their Patron Professor Paul Mealor.

Founded by John Edwards in 1955, the Welsh Music Guild has succeeded in promoting the careers and works of musicians by exerting a strong influence over broadcasting and recording companies, festival organisers and global musical bodies.

In honour of their founder the Welsh Music Guild annually award The John Edwards Memorial Award.
Regarded as the most prestigious non-competitive award given in Wales for services to the nation’s music, receipients have included composers Alun Hoddinott, John Metcalf and Grace Williams, performers from Osian Ellis to Bryn Terfel and institutions including the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, the Vale of Glamorgan Festival and the Lower Machen Festival.
Capt Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards, who received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the ceremony, explained that the Guild continues to exert a positive influence on the Welsh music scene.

He explained: “The Guild has established partnerships with the School of Music at Cardiff University and with the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama and has developed a close working relationship with both Composers of Wales and Ty Cerdd.

“The Guild is currently expanding its work by engaging in projects with both the BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales and the National Youth Orchestra of Wales.”

The Welsh Music Guild Awards take place each year in venues close to the National Eisteddfod maes.

Winners of the Welsh Music Guild Awards 2018 are:

  1. The 2018 John Edwards Memorial Award, the most prestigious non-competitive award given in Wales for services to the nation’s music, was awarded to Dr Lyn Davies, former Head of Vocal Studies at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
  2. The 2018 Sir Geraint Evans Award for a significant contribution to Welsh Music was awarded to Geraint Lewis, Artistic Director of the Lower Machen Festival
  3. The 2018 Glanville Jones Award for an outstanding achievement in music in Wales was awarded to Gillian Green MBE, Artistic Director of the Fishguard International Music Festival
  4. The 2018 Joseph Parry Award for an exceptional contribution to musical education in Wales was awarded to Suzanne Hay, Head of Partnerships and Learning, BBC National Orchestra of Wales
  5. The 2018 J. Mervyn Williams Award for a contribution to the communication of Welsh music through media production was awarded to Mark Wilkinson, Senior Vice President, International Marketing and Artists & Repertoire at Universal Music, Global Classics
  6. The 2018 Geraint Stanley Jones Award for a contribution to music communication through broadcasting in Wales was awarded to soprano Shân Cothi, presenter of the daily BBC Racio Cymru programme, ‘Bore Cothi’
  7. The 2018 Paul Mealor Award for Young Composers was awarded to Luciano Williamson, recently graduated from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
  8. The 2018 Paul Mealor Bursary for Student Composers was awarded to Jasper Dommett, who has recently completed his first year of studies at the Royal Welsh College and Music and Drama